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FYRS -- First Year Research Seminar (Winter 2025): Moorman

AI and God

What can artificial intelligence teach us about religion? What can religion teach us about machine intelligence? Why do so many of us seem to have a drive to treat AI as god-like or the embodiment of evil? This section will explore these questions and many others but ultimately will look at what it means to be human in a world of continuing advancements in the field of machine intelligence. We will examine seminal texts as well as current work on the topic from a multitude of disciplinary perspectives.

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Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science - An international forum for exploring ways to unite what in modern times has been disconnected: values from knowledge, goodness from truth, religion from science. Scroll to the bottom of the page to choose issues to browse.

Scholarly Articles

Cantwell Smith, Brian. “Artificial Intelligence and Ultimate Questions.” Toronto Journal of Theology, vol. 36, no. 1, 2020, pp. 90–92.

Midson S. “Robo-Theisms and Robot Theists: How Do Robots Challenge and Reveal Notions of God?” Implicit Religion, vol. 20, no. 3, 2017, pp. 299–318.

Mokoena, Katleho K. “A Holistic Ubuntu Artificial Intelligence Ethics Approach in South Africa.” Verbum et Ecclesia, vol. 45, no. 1, 2024.

Oviedo, Lluís. “Artifical Intellgence and Theology: Looking for a Positive-But Not Uncritical - Reception.Zygon, vol. 57, no. 4, 2022, pp. 938–52.

Rähme, Boris. “Artificial Intelligence and Religion Between Existing AI and Grand Narratives.” Material Religion, vol. 17, no. 4, 2021, pp. 547–49.

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Lori Bird
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(859) 233-8403