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FYRS -- First Year Research Seminar (Winter 2025): Cochis

Course Description--Fashion The Avatars of Style in Society

How did the idea of Haute Couture develop? Why is champagne the toasting drink of choice for celebrations? What made Coco Chanel famous? What possesses people to spend fortunes on the latest trend? What does the image we put out to the world say about us as humans? This class will address these and myriad other questions concerning how Fashion "fashions" our society in ways that are both fruitful and pernicious. The production of fashion and luxury items, their distribution, and the acquisition of wealth they require, all point to philosophical, ethical, political, and social issues. Fashion and style spark questions involving social justice (sweatshops), health and psychology (body image), the economy (globalization), and the environment (sustainability), among many others.

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