This section explores ways to critique contemporary U.S. culture. We will read and discuss a portion of the voluminous and masterful work of Kurt Vonnegut, primarily focusing on some of his novels. We will examine Vonnegut’s use of fiction as criticism. This will aid students in the creation of their expository projects. Each class member will select a significant problem in the United States they want to explore with their research.
Novels authored by Kurt Vonnegut may be found in the General Stacks at PS 3572 .O5
Here are some example searches on your class topic in the library catalog. To conduct your own searches, go to the library homepage.
Some specific events that figure in Vonnegut's works:
Click on this link to search for books and articles on your topic. Type keywords relating to your topic in the box under "Search Everything."
Check out these books in print and/or online for further reading on your topic.
Use broad reference materials to find out background information about your topic. This will help you narrow your future searches and will also provide keywords that will help you find the most relevant sources. Credo is a good place to start for that first step in research.
Try these sources for background information and a brief overview of key ideas related to your chosen topic.
Some scholarly articles that relate to your assignment are below.
Log into your Transy Google account in a Chrome browser for full-text access to articles.