This course will explore the diversity of the Latine community in the U.S. focusing on history, immigration, assimilation, identity, and culture. We will explore these themes through readings, art, music, literature, documentaries, interviews, and interaction with the Latine community in Lexington. Students will explore the cultural diversity of the Latine experience in the U.S.; analyze the socio-political and economic mechanisms that have contributed to more recent immigrations towards the North, and examine the impact of Latine culture on American culture both through common classroom assignments, and independent research.
Required texts, below
Here are some example searches on your class topic in the library catalog. To conduct your own searches, go to the library homepage.
Use broad reference materials to find out background information about your topic. This will help you narrow your future searches and will also give you keywords to find the most relevant sources. Credo can be a good place to start for that first step in research.
Encyclopedia entries will give you background information on a topic as well as provide timelines, keywords, and the names of important figures related to your topic, and sometimes a good start on other sources through a bibliography.
Gale Virtual Reference Library - Search lots of encyclopedias at once. Including:
Additional reference books
Remember to limit to scholarly articles. Depending on your topic, you may wish to use other limits such as date or publication type.
Log into your Transy Google account in a Chrome browser for full-text access to articles.