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FYRS -- First Year Research Seminar (Winter 2024): Fox

Gather Background Information--Reference Resources

Before diving into the hardcore research aspect of FYRS, it can be helpful to learn some basics about your topic. Encyclopedia entries will give you background information on a topic as well as provide timelines, keywords, and the names of important figures related to your topic.  Experts write the articles in encyclopedias and they usually include a further reading list or bibliography which can be a great jump start for sources on your topic.

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Definitions from the OED (Oxford English Dictionary)




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Susan Brown
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Citation Information

Course Description W2024

Cryptids: From Bigfoot to Wolpertinger What does our fascination with cryptids say about us as human beings, and why are they having a moment right now? How much actual zoology is there in cryptozoology? What does the Ivory-billed woodpecker have in common with Bigfoot and Nessie? Is Dracula a cryptid (this may be a question akin to 'is a hotdog a sandwich')? This class will explore all things cryptid and cryptid-adjacent, ranging from folklore to grainy videos of the Fresno Nightcrawler to medieval encyclopedias and 'creepypasta' to real "living fossils" and the anatomy of some of the most successful scientific hoaxes in history.