Eligible borrowers include:
Transylvania University students currently enrolled in classes, faculty, staff, and their families.
Faculty and students currently enrolled at the University of Kentucky, Lexington Theological Seminary, and FoKAL libraries (Kentucky's colleges and universities). Members of these institutions must present a valid university or college ID.
Transylvania University alumni may receive borrowing privileges. Requests may be approved by a full time library staff member.
People from the Lexington community may apply for borrowing privileges. Please have anyone interested speak to a full time library staff member. A valid Kentucky driver’s license is required. Community users may be asked to explain why they need to use this library as opposed to the Lexington Public Library.
The Library does not lend materials to people under the age of 18 unless they are a Transy student. TU faculty and staff may check out materials for their underage dependents.
Eligible borrowers who are not TU students faculty or staff will be required to provide complete name, address and telephone information and must be prepared to present identification upon request.
Circulating Materials
Things that can be checked out include :
Books are loaned to the end of the current semester to students, two weeks for community members and alumni borrowers, and four months for faculty and staff. **All materials checked out to students are due on the last day of the term.**
DVDs and CDs are loaned to the end of the semester to students and for four weeks to faculty and staff. They do not circulate to the community and alumni.
Tech equipment (i.e. Chromebooks, cameras, multimedia projectors, microphones, etc.) is checked out only to Transy students, faculty, and staff for one week. If someone needs it longer, get a library staff member to extend the loan date. The only exceptions are cords and adapters which are due back in four hours.
Reserve items are things that are put behind the desk by faculty for course use. Loan periods vary from 2-hour in-library-use only to 7 days, depending on the request of the instructor.
Non-circulating Materials
These need special permission to be checked out. Have anyone interested speak to full time staff member for exceptions.
Lost Items
Circulation records at the Transylvania University Library are strictly confidential. No one is permitted to tell a patron, student or faculty, who has an item checked out. This includes reserves.
Should you have a question about any of the circulation policies, always be sure to ask a member of the library staff.