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Remote Instruction Resources

Here are resources for delivering classes using online tools such as Moodle, Google Classroom, Google Meet, or Google Drive.

Where to Look for Scholarly Journal Articles

Scholarly articles are published in academic journals, which can be searched in several places:

Searching in Library Databases

We have access to many databases, all of which have different content. Some of our most popular databases include: 

If you are looking for a subject-specific database, browse the A-Z List of Databases by subject.

Looking for a Specific Journal Article

During your research, you might come across a citation for an article that you want to read.

To locate the article with the A-Z journal finder, determine the Journal Title, Year, Volume, and Issue Number for the article.

In this citation example:
​Ramos-Galarza, C., et al
(2018). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Behavioral report from professors and self-report from university students. Psychology & Neuroscience, 11(1), 95–104.

  • The Journal Title is Psychology & Neuroscience.
  • The Year is 2018.
  • The Volume is 11
  • The Issue Number is 1
  • Search for the journal title in the A-Z Journals

    In this case, we have the journal Psychology & Neuroscience for the years 2008-present in the database PsycARTICLES. You can browse the journal in this database to find the relevant volume and issue number.