Searching the library catalog via Subject Heading enables you to locate all books in our library organized under a single subject. Click the following links for a list of resources under theses indicated subject headings in our library.
Books about Chinese art history have a call number between N7343 and N7345. They are located in the stacks on the main floor of the library.
Use broad reference materials to find out background information about your topic. This will help you narrow your future searches and will also give you keywords to find the most relevant sources. Credo can be a good place to start for that first step in research. Narrow your topic by focusing on a specific time period, art movement/style, medium, artist, or theme within contemporary and modern Chinese art.
Try searching within these publications. Please note that full-text is not available for all of these titles, but we can help you gain access through inter-library loan.
Interlibrary Loan allows you to request research materials (i.e. print book or article) from another library when Transy does not own what you need. You can also click on “Interlibrary Loan” under the “Quick Links” section in the bottom left corner of the library’s homepage.
Articles will appear in your email usually within 3-5 days. Books and other items will be mailed to the library. It might take two weeks or longer to receive a print book. Requested books through ILL will be held at the front desk. You will be contacted when the item arrives.
Directions on how to request an interlibrary loan are below.