This page contains information and tutorials on how to access Transy Library's resources.
Quick Search allows you to search for Transy’s online and print resources in one place. On the library’s homepage, type your search in the “Quick Search” box and hit return/enter.
You can narrow your search. Look for the following on the left-hand side of the screen.
Databases A-Z allows you to search for articles within specific databases that relate to your research topic. You can search for a specific database by using the alphabetical feature or typing the database's name into the search box. In addition, you can search for databases by subject and type (i.e. audio/video).
You can access news resources (i.e. New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Lexington Herald-Leader, etc.) by selecting the "Subject" category and clicking on "Newspapers and News Sources." The video tutorial below demonstrates how to do this.
To access the library's databases, click on the link above or select “Databases A-Z” under the “Quick Links” section in the bottom left corner of the library’s homepage.
Journals A-Z allows you to see if Transy library owns a particular publication (i.e. journal, magazine, etc.) and consequently, find a specific article for your research. This link can also be found under the “Quick Links” section in the bottom left corner of the library’s homepage.
Directions on searching for an article are below.
The library has streaming videos available for faculty, staff, and students. If you are looking for a specific video, you can enter the title in the search box on the library’s homepage and limit the results to eVideo. You can also look for streaming videos within specific library databases, such as Films on Demand. The "How to Get Streaming Video" tab above and the video tutorial below provide more information on how to find streaming videos for your courses.
Interlibrary Loan allows you to request research materials (i.e. print book or article) from another library when Transy does not own what you need. You can also click on “Interlibrary Loan” under the “Quick Links” section in the bottom left corner of the library’s homepage.
Directions on how to request an interlibrary loan are below.
Articles will appear in your email usually within 3-5 days. Books and other items will be mailed to the library. It might take two weeks or longer to receive a print book. Requested books through ILL will be held at the front desk. You will be contacted when the item arrives.