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Faculty and Staff Information: Periodicals


The TU Library carries approximately 75 current individual subscriptions to periodicals.  These are all available online only and can be found in our A-Z list of All Journals.  Our individual periodical subscriptions are separate from aggregate database subscriptions such as Academic Search Complete or JSTOR which contain the full text of many journals.

We provide access to around 30,000 journals and magazines through our aggregated databases like JSTOR and EBSCO.  A list of all journals to which we have access can be found in the A-Z list of All Journals

Periodical prices increase an average of 5%-10% per year. The library's budget does not see annual increases and often decreases. This means that every so often we need to consider what we can cut from the list of current periodical subscriptions.  We consider several factors when deciding what to drop:

  • Is access to a journal is available in full text online through one of the aggregated online resources
  • Is the journal content indexed by the online resources that our students use to find journal articles
  • Does the journal show low use based on the downloads of articles or reshelving numbers. (See the Library Annual Report or ask a librarian for this data)
  • Is the journal one of the most expensive journals to which we subscribe

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Articles on the cost of periodicals

Articles on the rising costs of periodicals and the state of scholarly communication

British Libraries Push Back.  Times Higher Education. Aug 18 2011.

The Future of Scholarly Journal Publishing among Social Science and Humanities Associations. Waltham, Mary. Journal of Scholarly Publishing. Apr2010, Vol. 41 Issue 3, p257-324.

"Editorial: Who pays for publishing?"  Rushby, Nick.  British Journal of Educational Technology. Sep2009, Vol. 40 Issue 5, p787-789.

"Rising Journal Costs Limit Scholarly Access." INFOcus. Sept 2007.

"Scholarly Communication in Turmoil." Information Today; Feb2007, Vol. 24 Issue 2, p1-19.

"The State of Scholarly Journal Publishing: 1981-2000."  Journal of Scholarly Publishing; Apr2006, Vol. 37 Issue 3, p155-214.

"Grassroots Report." American Libraries; Dec2006, Vol. 37 Issue 11, p59-59.

"Choosing Sides." Library Journal; 4/15/2005, Vol. 130 Issue 7, p43.

"Go Ahead, Book Me." Library Journal; 11/15/2004, Vol. 129 Issue 19, p26.
This article and the one below are partners in the same issue presenting two points of view on the fate of academic publishing.

"Sidestepping Fate." Library Journal; 11/15/2004, Vol. 129 Issue 19, p27.

"Publishers face backlash over rising subscription costs." Lancet; 1/3/2004, Vol. 363 Issue 9402, p44.

"Libraries take a stand." Harvard Gazette. Feb 5, 2004. accessed 11/21/07

"Libraries face higher costs for academic journals." BMJ: British Medical Journal; 4/19/2003, Vol. 326 Issue 7394, p840.

"A New World of Scholarly Communication." Chronicle of Higher Education; 11/7/2003, Vol. 50 Issue 11, pB16.

"Seeking a Radical Change in the Role of Publishing." Chronicle of Higher Education; 6/16/2000, Vol. 46 Issue 41, pA16.

"Will journal publishers perish?" Economist; 05/13/2000, Vol. 355 Issue 8170, p81.