The William R. Kenan Jr. Lecture Series presents bestselling author and Pulitzer Prize winner Ed Yong.
“An Immense World”
Public talk and book signing — Thursday, Feb. 15
Haggin Auditorium, 7 p.m.
Reserve your free ticket.
Hosted by Creative Intelligence
Discussion with Yong — Friday, Feb. 16
Carrick Theater, 9:30 a.m.
Moderated by Transylvania professor Ellen Furlong
A longtime science reporter for The Atlantic who was named “the most important and impactful journalist” of 2020 by Poynter, Yong won a Pulitzer Prize in 2021 for his in‑depth coverage of the coronavirus pandemic. His two books, “I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us” and “An Immense World,” provide groundbreaking, informative and entertaining examinations of realities that lie beyond the scope of human sight, hearing, feel, smell and taste.
Yong, Ed. 2023. “What Reporting on Long Covid Taught Me.” New York Times, December 22.
Yong, Ed. 2022. “Our Blinding, Blaring World. (Cover Story).” Atlantic Monthly 330 (1): 62–74.
Yong, Ed. 2022. An Immense World : How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us. New York: Random House.
Yong, Ed. 2021. “The Covid-19 Manhattan Project.” Atlantic Monthly 327 (1): 48–58
Yong, Ed. 2020. “Anatomy of an American Failure.” Atlantic Monthly 326 (2): 32–47.
Yong, Ed. 2020. "How the Pandemic defeated America." Atlantic Monthly. September.
Yong, Ed. 2020. "How the Pandemic will end." Atlantic Monthly. March 25.
Yong, Ed. 2020. “How to Tackle a Giraffe.” Atlantic Monthly 325 (3): 36–42.
Yong, Ed. 2019. “The Last of Its Kind.” Atlantic Monthly 324 (1): 24–27.
Yong, Ed. 2018. I Contain Multitudes : The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life. New York, NY: Ecco, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers.
Yong, Ed. 2018. “When the Next Plague Hits.” Atlantic Monthly 322 (1): 58–72.
Yong, Ed. 2015. “Bugs on Patrol.” New Scientist 226 (3024): 40–43.
Yong, Ed. 2014. “RAZZLE DAZZLE ’EM. (Cover Story).” New Scientist 221 (2961): 38–41.
Yong, Ed. 2014. "There is no healthy microbiome." New York Times. Nov. 1.
Yong, Ed, and Valerie Ross. 2013. “STRETCHY, FLEXY FUTURE. (Cover Story).” Discover 34 (7): 30–35.
Yong, Ed. 2013. “Armor against Prejudice.” Scientific American 308 (6): 76–80.