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Lexington History

Explore archival, primary & secondary sources to discover Lexington History.

Other places to find Lexington history - physical sources

It is estimated that only 5% of archival holdings are digitized.  Here are places to look for materials about Lexington history. You can email contacts at these institutions to see if they might have materials related to your research topic; then make an appointment to research in person at the archive.

Lexington Public Library  - Kentucky Room
 In addition to searching resources online you can contact them to see if they might have additional materials on your research topic.

University of Kentucky - Special Collections Research Center

Ashland - Henry Clay Estate

Mary Todd Lincoln House

Keeneland Racetrack - Library

Lexington Cemetery records

Lexington City Records Office

Fayette County Online Records - Fayette County Clerks Office

Archives & Libraries in Kentucky that may have info about Lexington

In addition to the large institutions listed below, there are many small museums and libraries around Kentucky that may have information on your topic. 

Kentucky Historical Society (Frankfort)

Filson Historical Society (Louisville)

Kentucky Department for Libraries & Archives - KDLA (Frankfort)