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Religion: Find Books

Resources for the study of religions.

Searching the Catalog

A library’s catalog will give you a listing of all the books, journals, and other resources owned by the library.  It will tell you what is available both online and on the shelves.  Be sure to note the location, call number and whether or not the item is checked out.  

Catalog Search Tip

Find a book related to your topic. Click on the title, then browse the Subjects links included in the record to “find more like this one”.   Once you click on a Subjects link, you will be taken to a list of all the items in the catalog that share that subject heading. 

Library of Congress call numbers

Find books on the library shelves by browsing the Library of Congress call numbers:

Religion  = BL-BX 

Find books, articles, and more...

Search the Transy Library catalog for all our books, ebooks, journals, articles, music, etc. related to your topic.

Subject Specific Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Explore the reference resources listed here to develop a working knowledge of your topic.  These materials will lead you deeper into the research through their summation of the topic, introduction to related concepts and events, and the bibliographies used to create them. 

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