The Transylvania Library Catalog, or Quick Search, provides access to ebooks, physical books, articles, and databases paid for By your Transy Library. It's a good place to start your search.
With EBSCO’s extensive collection of eBook titles on EBSCOhost, users can search within a wide range of relevant eBooks using the powerful EBSCOhost search experience. With thousands of titles available across all major subject areas, users can access the full text of eBooks from their computer, or can download titles to popular portable devices.
Online collection of authoritative and copyrighted books that provide access to the full-text of the publications. Through Ebook Central, users can browse and view documents, conduct full-text searches, highlight passages, make notes in the text and more.
The HathiTrust Digital Library provides access to millions of digitized books and publications. Most of these are out of copyright which means that most are pre-1923 although there are some full text books dated after that. It is a consortial project of multiple libraries in the U.S.