The mission of the library is to support the intellectual engagement, inquiry, discovery and research needs of our students and other members of the Transylvania community.
How do we do this?
Goal 1: Educate our students and other members of the TU community to enable them to identify what information they need to further and deepen their knowledge, where and how to find that information, and how to evaluate its validity.
Goal 2: Provide high quality resources for the Transylvania community’s research and intellectual needs and an inviting space where intellectual exploration and discourse occur.
Goal 3: Maintain, preserve, acquire through gifts, and provide appropriate access to the historic materials of Special Collections; and support their use by both TU and non-TU researchers.
Goal 4: Work with appropriate University personnel to identify and secure funding both within TU and from outside sources to ensure the library budget will support and provide its stated services and resources.
Goal 5: Recruit, train, develop, and retain top-notch personnel possessing the wide range of knowledge, skills, experience, enthusiasm, and flexibility necessary to meet the ever-changing and diverse requirements of the Transylvania community.
See the full list of the goals and our strategies to get there as well as how we assess these below.