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FYS--First Year Seminar (Fall 2023)

Information for students about Library support for FYS

Types of Plagiarism

Watch the videos below to learn more about specific types of plagiarism.

Plagiarism Tutorial (University of Mississippi's Libraries, 2015)

How to Avoid Plagiarism in 5 Easy Steps (Modern Librarian Memoirs, 2018)

Below are some actions considered as plagiarism at Transylvania University.

  1. Submitting an assignment purporting to be the student’s original work which has been
    wholly or partly created by another person, AI generative tool, or materials from the
    internet or software apps;
  2. Presenting as one’s own the work, ideas, representations, or words of another person or
    AI generative tool without customary and proper acknowledgment of sources. This
    includes (but is not limited to) using work that is not your own without
    acknowledgement, copying material without quotation marks, paraphrasing too closely
    the exact words of the originating author, or providing a fabricated reference to a source.
  3. Submitting in whole or in part work for which the student has received credit in another
    course, unless the permission of the instructor has been obtained.
  4. Knowingly permitting one’s work to be submitted by another person as if it were the
    submitter’s original work.

For more information about types of academic dishonesty and consequences of academic dishonesty at Transylvania University, consult Transylvania University's Academic Integrity Policy.

Interactive Tutorials on Plagiarism

The tutorials below check your knowledge on plagiarism.

Common Knowledge

Common knowledge does not have to be cited. Watch the video below to learn what is considered common knowledge.

Plagiarism and Citing Source: Common Knowledge Explained (Kirkwood Libraries, 2016)