A library’s catalog will give you a listing of all the books, journals, and other resources owned by the library. It will tell you what is available both online and on the shelves. Be sure to note the location, call number and whether or not the item is checked out.
You can find books in the library stacks by browsing the Library of Congress call numbers.
ML Literature on Music
ML100-109 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
ML459-1380 Instruments and instrumental music
ML1400-3275 Vocal music
ML3795 Music as a profession. Vocational guidance
ML3805-3817 Physics and acoustics
ML3820 Psychological aspects of music
MT Instruction and Study
MT5.5-7 Music theory
MT35-39 Notation
MT40-67 Composition. Elements and techniques of music
MT170-810 Instrumental techniques
MT820-915 Singing and vocal technique
MT955-956 Musical theater